
  • 希望小売価格:
  • サクソフォンをはじめる人にとって、大切な基本を重視しました。音の出しやすさと確かな音程、正しい構えで演奏できるキイのレイアウトがポイント。安定した音程と操作性で、はじめての挑戦をしっかりとサポートします。
  • The YAS/YTS-280 saxophones offer a perfect start because they are designed with the young beginner in mind. Relatively light-weight and ergonomically shaped, they are easy to hold and to play. The intonation is perfect, as you would expect from Yamaha, and it is easy to get a great sound. The Yamaha design offers beginners optimum support, thus greatly assisting both learning progress and creativity.Based on the highly recommended YAS/YTS-275 saxophones the new YAS/YTS-280 are even further enhanced with a new, more stable neck receiver and a new low B-C# connection for better adjustment.
  • メーカーサイトで製品情報を見る